Even though her pictures might suggest she is short-sighted, chaotic and family-driven, they simply display the serious disorder of scattered reminiscences she tries to keep before memory escapes her. Attracted by technological novelty and its spin-off, Amo has peppily tested the hundreds of apps her phone offers, with a "first mover" approach. Seduced by the immediacy of images, she shoots her photos by game and with a genuine desire to contribute to the emergence of a new artistic form. For years now, she's been obsessed by flowers of which she photographs portraits.
Amo currently lives in France and manages rock bands.
.Monochrome, Collective Exhibition, Glasgow Gallery of Photography, Glasgow.. April 3rd-27th
.Women in Photography, Collective Exhibition, Glasgow Gallery of Photography, Glasgow. March 5th-29th
.3rd B&W Athens Photography Festival, Serafio, Athens, February 22nd-24
.Blank Wall Gallery, Pop Up Show, B.T. Bastford Shop & Library, London. January 3rd-5th
.20th Pollux Awards, Collective Exhibition. Fotonostrum Gallery, Barcelona. Dec 12th-22th
.From Heliography to AI: Celebrating Photographic Diversity, A PH21 Gallery Exhibition, in collaboration with Valid World Hall Gallery, Barcelona. Dec 9th-19th
.« Why does it always have to be about something? » Solo Exhibition, Museum of Fine Arts, Nijni Taguil, Russie Nov 24th - Dec 8th
.21st Julia Margaret Cameron Awards, Collective Exhibition. Fotonostrum Gallery,Barcelona, Foto Biennale 2024. Nov 21st -Dec 1st
.The Empty places : Abandoned Spaces Praxis Photographic Arts Center, Minneapolis. Nov 16th-24th
."Why does it always have to be about something ?", Solo Exhibition. Space Place Gallery, Nijni Taguil, Russia. August 31st - Sept 12th
.Chania International Photo Festival, Greece. July 22nd-26th
.Red, Collective Exhibition, Blank Wall Gallery, Athens. June 17th-29th
.Street Photography, Collective Exhibition, Blank Wall Gallery, Athens. May 17th-29th
.Out of the Ordinary, Collective Exhibition, Ph21 Gallery, part of Budapest Photo Festival. May 4th-22nd
.17th Mira Mobile Prize, Shortlisted, Portrait Category, Collective Exhibition, Mira Forum, Porto. May 4th-June 8th
.20th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards Collective Exhibition. Fotonostrum Gallery, Barcelona. April 5th-21st
.2nd B&W Athens Photography Festival, February 24th-26th
.19th Pollux Awards Collective Exhibition. Fotonostrum Gallery, Barcelona. December 8th-22nd
.Travel, Collective Exhibition, Blank Wall Gallery, Athens. September 22nd-October 4th
.Chania International Photo Festival, Greece. August 3th-9th
.Portraits, Collective Exhibition, Blank Wall Gallery, Athens. June 9th-June 21th
.Colorama, Nikon Plaza, Paris. 10 janvier - 11 février 2023
.Collection Lusted Men, MEP Paris. June 2nd
.Barcelona Foto Biennale 2021. Fotonostrum Gallery. December 10th -January 8th
.Collection Lusted Men, Les Nuits Photo, Paris.Nov 6
.Collection Lusted Men, La Nombreuse & au Piano Fabriek, Bruxelles. Oct 15-24
.Mira Mobile Prize, Shortlisted Digital Art Category, June 20th - August 1st, Mira Forum, Porto
.MAJE (Mobile Art Jazz Experience), Florence Exhibition: April 5/9th 2018, Rome Exhibition: May 11/12th
.Light Impressions A Celebration of Iphone Photography by Studio b, The Art Museum of Eastern Idaho August 25th-Nov 5th
.Impossible Humans Unexpected Happening Exhibition, Galleria Lancelloti - Rome. March 11-26
.OH SNAP! - Holidays, The Center for Visual Artists; Greensboro, NC 27401. Dec 5th-Jan 16th
.International Salon Mobile Art Video. Festival Futuro Presente 15-23Nov
.Mira Mobile Prize, 2 shortlisted photographies, Collective Exhibition, Mira Forum, Porto. Sept 6th-Nov 1st
.Talking Eye2, Adobe Art Gallery, Castro Valley, CA. July 31st-Sep13th
.Sans Visage Series, Square @ The Jam Factory, Oxford. July 15-Sept 9th
.Mobile Magic, LightBox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, OR. May 9th- June 13th
.Professional Women Photographers' 38th anniversary 2014 , online exhibition, two pictures
.Výstava Mobilní Fotografie, Praha, Cz. Nov 28th-Dec 14th
.#4Seconds, Obscura Gallery, Melbourne. Nov 28th-Dec 26th
.Mobile Magic, LightBox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, OR. Sept 14th until Oct 12th
.Talking Eye, Adobe Art Gallery, Castro Valley, CA. April 6th-May 11th
.Exposure : A Mobile Photography Exhibition, CS Gallery, Columbus Ohio. March 16-April 9th
.Light Impressions A Celebration of Iphone Photography by Studio b, Red Dot Gallery, Miami Art Basel. December 6th-9th
.The Third Wave, Garden Gate Center, Berkeley, CA. November 29th 2012 - January 30 2013
.The App Wars, 3rdspace Gallery, San Diego, CA. November 17th
.Light Impressions A Celebration of Iphone Photography by Studio b, Russell Collection Fine Art Gallery, Austin. October 4-13 2012
.OH SNAP! - The Center for Visual Artists; Greensboro, NC 27401. Sept 7-oct 5
.L.A. Mobile Arts Festival, collective exhibition, Santa Monica Art Studios. August 18-25
.Light Impressions A Celebration of Iphone Photography by Studio b, part of the LA Mobile Arts Festival, Santa Monica. August 18-25
.Ways of Seing : Phoneography Exhibit, Rebekah Jacob Gallery, Charleston, SC. July 1-21
.Light Impressions A Celebration of Iphone Photography by Studio b, Des Moines, IA. May 11th
.Iphoneography : Updated Visual Dialogs, the Lunch Box Gallery, Miami. March 10th - May 7th
.The First Annual iPhoneography Miami Exhibition, Artspace Gallery, Miami. January 20th - February 17th
.Pixel This : A Phoneography Exhibition, The Gallery on the Corner, Battersea Park, London. 28th Nov- 3rd December
.P1xels, Giorgi Gallery, Berkeley, CA. Sept 22- oct 30
.Exposition d'Iphonographie, Café Culture Coloriage, Montbar, France. 2-30 sept
.Light Impressions A Celebration of Iphone Photography, Studio b, Alys Beach, FL. June 11th - July 10th
.Exposition “Ephémère” d’Iphonographie, Médiathèque intercommunale Henri Vincenot, Venarey-Les Laumes, Fr. 4-30 juin 2
.P1xels : The Art of Iphone Photography, The Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Ana, CA. March 31-April 28,
.Hipstamatic Exhibition, Space Gallery, Chiaravalle, Italy. April
.The MMS Gallery Two : Architecture, Philadelphia, PA. February
.P1xels At An Exhibition, Apple Store San Fransisco, Sept
.4th World Masters of Photography Award, Honorable Mention, march2025
.Lauréate du 43ème Plus Grand Concours Photo du Monde, Photo Magazine, décembre 2024
.25th Julia Cameron Awards, Winner Still Life Category, December 2024
.1st FotoNostrum Choice Awards, Winner Cell Phone Category + Honourable Mention Still Life Category, December 2024
.21st Pollux Awards, 3 Honourable Mentions, Portrait Category. May 2024.
.Black and White Photo Awards, Honourable Mention, "Série Documentaire" Category, "Remains of Life" May 2024.
.23rd Julia Cameron Awards, Winner Cityscapes Category (+ 2 Honourable Mentions), 1 Honourable Mention Portrait Category. May 2024
.21th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards, Honourable Mention Series Still Life Category. Nov 2023.
.International Photo Awards, IPA 2023, Smartphone photography Category, Honorable Mention
.PX3, Prix de la Photograhie Paris, Silver Prize + Honourable Mention. August 2023
.20th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards, 1 Honourable Mention Still Life Category + 2 Honourable Mentions People Category. July 2023
.IPPAWARDS 2023, Honourable Mention, Nature Category
.19th Pollux Awards, Winner Still Life Category + 2 Honourable Mentions Digital Manipulation Category . March 2023
.Budapest International Foto Awards 2022, Bronze Category Nature-Flowers + 2 honorable mention
International Photo Awards, IPA 2022, One Shot Color Nature, Honourable Mention
.Mobile Photo Awards 2021 , Black & White Category, Honourable Mention + Portrait Category , Honourable Mention
.15th Pollux Awards 2020, Honourable Mention, Nature Category
.IPPAWARDS 2016, Second place, Flowers Category.
.Mira Mobile Prize 2014, 2 shortlisted photographies
.Professional Women Photographers' 38th anniversary 2014, Juror's Selection + Honourable Mention
.Winner of The Big Hipstamatic Show, online contest. August 2010